Abu Ahmad bin Adi Al-Jurjani: I did not see any Hadith from him that is extremely rejected to the point of deeming him unreliable. He is a narrator of strange Hadith whose Hadith is written down.
Abu Hatim Ar-Razi: Shaykh
Abu Dawud As-Sijistani: He was a Rafidi (Shia)
Ahmad bin Hanbal: He used to curse (the companions of the Prophet)
Ahmad bin Shu'ayb An-Nasa'i: Not trustworthy
Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani: Weak, accused of being a Rafidi (Shia)
Ali ibn Al-Madini: There were three brothers: Abd al-Malik ibn A'yun, Himran ibn A'yun, and Zurara ibn A'yun. They were Shias and the most extreme among them in this matter was Himran ibn A'yun.
Yahya ibn Ma'in: He is nothing. And once: Weak