Abu Ahmad ibn Adi al-Jarjani: One of the residents of the coast of Sham, and he is not that [strong]. In some of his hadiths there is denial, and I have mentioned the general of what is denied from his hadith. However, Yahya ibn Ma'in authenticated him, and I hope that what is denied from his hadith is nothing but a mistake or an error on his part
Abu Ja'far al-'Uqayli: There is something in his memorization that Ibn Hajar rejected and said: Perhaps the mistake in it is from someone other than him.
Abu Hatim al-Razi: He is fine.
Abu Zur'ah al-Razi: He is fine.
Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani: Saduq, he has some mistakes
Al-Dhahabi: They authenticated him.
Bahr ibn Nasr al-Khaulani: He was trustworthy
Muhammad ibn Abd al-Hakam al-Masri: Trustworthy.
Yahya ibn Ma'in: Trustworthy