Abu Ahmad ibn Adi al-Jurjani: From the Ghulat (extremist) Shia, and in my opinion, he is not strong, nor is he someone whose hadith is accepted
Abu al-Fath al-Azdi: Deviant, weak
Abu Ja'far al-'Uqayli: He was from the Ghulat (extremist) Shia
Abu Hatim al-Razi: Acceptable hadith
Abu Hatim ibn Hibban al-Busti: He makes mistakes
Ahmad ibn Hanbal: Trustworthy
Ahmad ibn Shu'ayb al-Nasa'i: There is nothing wrong with him
Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani: Truthful Shia who may have made mistakes
Sufyan al-Thawri: He used to consider him trustworthy and respected him, and once said: He was content
Yahya ibn Ma'in: Trustworthy
Ya'qub ibn Sufyan al-Faswi: He was from the Shia