Abu Hatim bin Hibban Al-Busti: Among those who err in what they narrate, but his errors were not so many as to deserve complete rejection, nor did he follow the ways of the trustworthy to be included among the reliable. Fairness in his case dictates: leaving out what he narrates that does not agree with the trustworthy, and considering what agrees with the reliable.
Abu Zur'ah Ar-Razi: Weak
Ibn Abi Hatim Ar-Razi: He narrates from Sharik bin Abdullah bin Abi Namir and Suhayl bin Abi Salih. Hatim bin Ismaeel and Muhammad bin Falih narrated from him.
Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani: Weak
Adh-Dhahabi: Weakened by Abu Zur'ah and he is scarce in narration.
Muhammad bin Ismaeel Al-Bukhari: He is questionable, and once: Rejected in Hadith