About the life of the narrator

Name: Umm Sa'd
Fame: Umm Sa'd
Kuniya: Umm Sa'd
Rank: Companion

عن حياة الراوي

الأسم: أم سعد
الشهرة: أم سعد
الكنيه: أم سعد
الرتبة: صحابي

Scholars Praise/criticism of the Narrator

Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani: Her hadith came with a weak chain of narration.
Al-Dhahabi: A female companion, and he mentioned her once in Tadhhib al-Tahdhib, and said: She has companionship according to what was said, and it was said: She is the daughter of Zayd ibn Thabit, and it was said that she was his wife.
Al-Mizzi: She is counted among the Companions.

مدح/انتقاد العلماء للراوي

ابن حجر العسقلاني: جاء حديثها بإسناد ضعيف
الذهبي: صحابية، ومرة ذكرها في تذهيب التهذيب، وقال: لها صحبة فيما قيل، وقيل: هي بنت زيد بن ثابت، وقيل امرأته
المزي: معدودة في الصحابة