Abu Ahmad bin Adi al-Jarjani: He narrated from trustworthy narrators but he also narrated Munkar (rejected) narrations. I did not see any Munkar narration from him to judge him weak because of it
Abu Hatim bin Hibban al-Busti: His narrations from Ja'far should be avoided
Abu Ya'la al-Khalili: Al-Hashmi narrated from him hadiths that were rejected from al-Hashmi
Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani: Saduq (Truthful) but he has Munkar (rejected) narrations. It was said: They are because of the narrator who narrated from him
Al-Dhahabi: He has Munkar (rejected) narrations
Authors of Tahrir Taqrib al-Tahdhib: Hasan (Good) al-Hadith, he has Munkar (rejected) narrations, and the Munkar (rejection) is from Ja'far bin Abd al-Wahid al-Hashmi who narrated from him