Saalim bin Ubayd (رضي الله تعالى عنه), a sahaabi narrates: "Rasulullah ﷺ became unconscious (many times) during his (last) illness. When he became conscious he would ask: Is it already time for salaah? When they replied yes, he would say: Instruct Bilaal to call out the adhaan, and instruct Abubakr to lead the salaah. This happened a few times.(He said this because he was too ill to go to the masjid. Sayyidinia Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه) was naturally softnatured. Many a time he would weep easily. Sayyiditina Aayesha Radiallallahu Anha knew her fathers relationship with Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallhu Alayhi Wasallam and that he would not be able to withstand the absence of Sayyidina Rasulullah SallallahuAlayhi Wasallain. Therefore Aayeshah (رضي الله تعالی عنہا) made a request. My father has a soft heart. If he is going to stand on your place and lead the salaah, he will begin to weep, and will not be able to lead the salaah. Therefore, request someone else to lead the salaah. In this manner after Aayeshah (رضي الله تعالی عنہا) had made several requests; Rasulullah ﷺ replied: Do you wish to become of those women in the incident of Yusuf (Alayhis Salaam). Instruct Abubakr to lead the salaah. (The ulama have given their opinions on the saying of Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ that. You are like the women of Yusuf Alayhis Salaam. The first is that by you Aayeshah (رضي الله تعالی عنہا) is meant, and by women only Zulaykha is meant. The plural is used as a mark of respect. According to this saying. (a.) The example is given of stressing on talking of things that are of no value, like Zulaykha stressed Yusuf Alayhis Salaam to do something which was unadvisable and improper. In the same manner you are stressing on a thing which is out of place and incorrect. (b.) just as Zulaykha invited those women who tormented her, outwardly it was an invitation, but the actual reason was that they see the handsomeness and beauty of Yusuf Alayhis Salaam and will excuse this wickedness of hers. In the sane manner Sayyiditina Aayeshah (رضي الله تعالی عنہا) outwardly said this that Sayyidina Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه) is softnatured. He will not be able to stand on your place (in salaah), but she had this in mind, as mentioned by her on another occasion that: "What made me repeat this to Rasulullah ﷺ, was that according to me the people would never like such a person, who stands on the place of Sayyidina Rasulullah SallallahuAlayhi Wasallam, and will think of him as unlucky and unfortunate".
The second explanation is that by you, Sayyiditina Aayeshah (رضي الله تعالی عنہا) and Sayyiditina Hafsah (رضي الله تعالی عنہا) are meant, and by the women of Yusuf Alayhis Salaam, those women are meant who were invited by Zulaykha. According to this saying too, the following is said: (a.) The example is given on useless talk that both Sayyiditina Aayeshah (رضي الله تعالی عنہا) and Sayyiditina Hafsah (رضي الله تعالی عنہا) were stressing something that was improper. In some narrations it is also mentioned that Sayyiditina Hafsah (رضي الله تعالی عنہا) stressed on the same thing. (b.) This similarity is to show and stress on a thing that is not in the heart. Sayyiditina Aayeshah (رضي الله تعالی عنہا) had in mind, that if the people see Sayyidina Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه) standing on the place of Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ, they will begin to have evil thoughts of Sayyidina Abubakr RadiyallahuAnhu being very unfortunate and unlucky. She also persuaded Sayyiditina Hafsah (رضي الله تعالی عنہا), the daughter of Sayyidina Umar (رضي الله تعالى عنه) to think alike and side with her, and that Sayyiditina Hafsah (رضي الله تعالی عنہا) may feel the greatness for her father Sayyidina Umar RadiyallahuAnhu, and may also fancy that he would fulfil the position of a successor. Therefore Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ described to her the similitude of the women of Yusuf Alayhis Salaam. They outwardly declared their approval of Zulaykhas behaviour with Yusuf Alayhis Salaam, but secretly each one tried to attract Yusuf Alayhis Salaam towards themselves. Some of the ulama have given other reasons too. Since this is a lengthy hadith, the commentary is being mentioned briefly here. The translation of the remaining portion of this hadith will be mentioned later, where necessary. an explanation is also given. In some narrations it has also been mentioned that Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ said that Allah Taaala and the Muslims would not accept anyone else besides Sayyidina Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه).
Carrying out the instructions of Rasulullah ﷺ, Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه) led the salaah. (He performed seventeen salaahs till the death of Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ. This incident which is mentioned above began on a Thursday evening. On Thursday the illness of Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ became worse. All this took place at the time of eshaa on Friday night (Thursday night in common usage). From this salaah onwards Sayyidina Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه) began leading the prayers. Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ passed away on a Monday just before midday. Therefore the total number of salaah led by Sayyidina Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه) till the death of Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ is seventeen prayers, which Sayyidina Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه) performed continuously. According to this humble servant the illness of Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ had begun long before this, hence Sayyidina Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه) had led the salaah on a number of occasions.)
Once during the illness, Rasulullah ﷺ felt a bit well during the time of salaah. He asked if there was anyone who could support him till the masjid, Barirah and another person offered themselves, held him by his mubaarak hands and took him to the masjid. Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه) sensing the arrival of Rasulullah ﷺ, thought of moving back. Rasulullah Sallallah Alayhi Wasallam signaled him to remain there. Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه) completed the salaah. After that Rasulullah ﷺ passed away. (He passed away on a Monday).
It is apparent what difficulties and hardships the Sahaabah (رضي الله تعالى عنه)m experienced at this time, also bearing in mind the mischief of the munaafiqeenhypocrites and enemies. The upkeep and safeguarding of the garden that Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ nurtured for twenty three years. Together with all this the passing away of the blessed and noble personality of Sayyidina Rasulullah SallallahuAlayhi Wasallam, who was so beloved, for whom the Sahaabah (رضي الله تعالى عنه)m had sacrificed their homes, family and relatives. On this mo
ing it seemed that he was recovering, actually he was sustaining it and not recovering. After the death of Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ the news spread quickly, but many people could not believe it. Therefore, Umar (a respected and strong hearted person with all the virtues, courage, tolerance etc. could not bear it, and in this state unsheathed his sword and stood up and) began saying, "I swear by Allah that Rasulullah ﷺ has not passed away. The person saying Rasulullah SallallahuAlayhi Wasallam had passed away. I will severe that persons head with my sword". He (Saalim) said, the people were ummis (unletteredthey did read or write), nor was there a nabi among them before this, therefore all those present kept silent. They (the Sahaabah) said to Saalim go to the companion of Rasulullah ﷺ and call him.
(He is the only one that will bring the boat to shore at this stormy period. Sayyidina Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه) after seeing that Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ was feeling better had taken leave from Sayyidina Rasulullah SallallahuAlayhi Wasallam to go and visit his family which was about the distance of a mile away). I went to Abubakr ((رضي الله تعالى عنه)) in the state of shock and tears were flowing from my eyes. At that time he was in the
asjid. Upon seeing my state asked: Did Rasulullah (ﷺ) pass away? I conveyed the news to him and also said to him that Umar had said, if he heard anyone saying Rasulullah (ﷺ) has died, he would cut off that persons head with that sword of his. Abubakr said, "Lets go". I went with him. He reached the house while the people were gathering around Rasulullah (ﷺ). He said: O people, make way for me. The people made way for him. He gave a deep look at the mubaarak face of Rasulullah ﷺ and kissed his forehead, then recited this aayah:
Lo! thou will die, and lo! they will die;Surah Zumur, 30.
Then they (Sahaabah (رضي الله تعالى عنه)m) asked: O Companion (Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه)) of Rasulullah (ﷺ) has Rasulullah (ﷺ) really passed away? He replied: Yes. Now they accepted. (After that they asked him other questions, because in every question there was a peculiarity.) They said: O Companion of Rasulullah (ﷺ), should janaazah salaah be performed for Rasulullah? He replied: Yes. They said: And how? He said: A group at a time enter the room and perform the janazah salaah individually without jamaaah, and retu
. In this manner all will perform this salaah. They (the Sahaabah) asked. O Companion of Rasulullah (ﷺ) shall Rasulullah ﷺ be buried? He replied: Yes They inquired: Where? He replied: At the spot where Allah had taken his ruh. VerilyAllah Taaala has not taken his ruh but at a venerated place. They (Sahaabah) knew he said the truth (and became satisfied with all the answers). Thereafter he instructed the family of his (Rasulullah SallallahuAlayhi Wasallams) father to carry out the tajheez and takfeen.
(Sayyidina Ali, Sayyidina Fadl bin Abbaas, Sayyidina Usaamah and Sayyidina Shaqraan,the slave of Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ(رضي الله تعالى عنه)m carried out the tajheez and takfeen.)
(And to safeguard Islaam and keep away differences and controversies, he suggested a person should be chosen, and all matters referred to him. In one narration it is stated that when Sayyidina Umar (رضي الله تعالى عنه) unsheathed his sword and was saying, "The one who says that Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ has passed away, I will cut off his head". Sayyidina Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه) cautioned him and delivered a khutbah wherein he recited the aayah of the Quraan: "Muhammad is but a messenger, messengers (the like of whom) have passed away before him. . .."Surah Aali Imraan, 144.
Thereafter he said the one who worshipped Muhammad ﷺ should know that Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ had passed away, the one who worships Allah, let him know that Allah is living and will live for ever. When the people heard Sayyidina Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه) delivering the khutbah, they all attentively tu
ed their attention towards the mimbar. In a narration it is stated, that Abubakr Radiyallah Anhu said in this khutbah, it is now necessary to choose a person who shall keep up and guard the deen. Every person should give his view.)
The Muhaajireen got together and discussed the matter. They said: Lets go to our brothers from among the Ansaar and include them in this matter.The Ansaar said: we shall have an amir, and the Muhaajireen, shall have an amir (Upon that Sayyidina Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه) narrated the saying of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallhu Alayhi Wasallam that the amirs are from the Quraysh) Umar ibnul Khattaab (رضي الله تعالى عنه) said: Who is that person who in one instance possesses these three virtues Whom Allah Taaala has mentioned Quraan thus:... (1) the second of two; when they two were in the cave, (2) when he said unto his comrade: Grieve not. (3) Lo! Allah is with us...Surah Taubah40.
Also other virtues. These three should also be such that they are of the highest order: (l.) To have unity and a close relationship with Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ and have assisted him when he was alone. (2.) Allah Taaala addresses him as the Companion of Sayyidina Rasululah ﷺ. (3) Be in the company of Allah, as Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ has said to him that Allah is with us. At that time both Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ and Sayyidina Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه) were there, regarding which Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ said: Allah is with us. SayyidinaUmar (رضي الله تعالى عنه) said: You say, who are these two persons that are mentioned in the aayah. How great are these two personalities?.i.e. Who can be a greater personality than Sayyidina Rasulullah ﷺ and Sayyidina Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه)? Besides this they discussed other matters too, which have been mentioned in the narrations. In one hadith it is stated Sayyidina Umar (رضي الله تعالى عنه) said: O Ansaar, do you know that Rasulullah SallallahuAlayhi Wasallam instructed Abubakr to stand on his musallaa (place of prayer)? During the time of his illness he instructed Abubakr to lead the prayers? Who amongst you has the heart to remove such a person from the imaamah, whom Rasululllah ﷺ appointed as an Imaam. The Ansaar said: We seek refuge in Allah. We cannot by pass Abubakr
Thereafter Umar (رضي الله تعالى عنه) offered him his hand and made bayah (allegiance). All the people (present at Saqifah whole heartedly and with eage
ess) also made bayah on the hands of Abubakr (رضي الله تعالى عنه).
’’صحابی رسول سالم بن عبید رضی اللہ عنہ فرماتے ہیں رسول اللہ ﷺ پر آپ کی بیماری میں غشی طاری ہو گئی جب افاقہ ہوا تو فرمایا: ’’کیا نماز کا وقت ہو گیا ہے؟‘‘ صحابہ کرام رضی الله عنہم نے عرض کیا: جی ہاں، فرمایا: ’’بلال کو حکم دو کہ وہ اذان کہیں،اور ابوبکر کو حکم دو کہ وہ لوگوں کو نماز پڑھائیں۔‘‘ پھر آپ ﷺ پر بے ہوشی طاری ہو گئی۔ جب ہوش میں آئے تو فرمایا: ’’کیا نماز کا وقت ہو گیا ہے؟‘‘ عرض کیا گیا: جی ہاں۔ فرمایا: ’’بلال کو حکم دو کہ وہ اذان کہے اور ابوبکر کو حکم دو کہ وہ لوگوں کو نماز پڑھائیں۔‘‘ آپ ﷺ پر پھر بیہوشی طاری ہو گئی اور جب افاقہ ہوا تو فرمایا: ’’کیا نماز کا وقت ہو گیا ہے؟‘‘ عرض کیا گیا: جی ہاں۔ فرمایا: ’’بلال کو حکم دو کہ وہ اذان کہے اور ابوبکر کو حکم دو کہ وہ لوگوں کو نماز پڑھائیں۔‘‘ام المومنین سیدہ عائشہ صدیقہ رضی اللہ عنہا عرض کرتی ہیں یا رسول اللہ ﷺ ! میرے والد رقیق القلب ہیں، جب وہ آپ کے مقام پر کھڑے ہوں گے تو رونے لگیں گے اور نماز پڑھانے کی طاقت نہیں رکھیں گے۔ آپ کسی اور کو حکم فرما دیں۔ آپ ﷺ پر پھر بے ہوشی طاری ہو گئی، جب افاقہ ہوا تو فرمایا: ’’بلال کو حکم دو کہ وہ اذان کہے اور ابوبکر کو حکم دو کہ وہ لوگوں کو نماز پڑھائیں۔ تم تو ان عورتوں کی طرح ہو جو یوسف علیہ السلام کے ساتھ تھیں۔‘‘ چنانچہ سیدنا بلال رضی اللہ عنہ کو حکم دیا گیا تو انہوں نے اذان کہی اور سیدنا ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ عنہ کو حکم دیا گیا تو انہوں نے لوگوں کو نماز پڑھائی، پھرنبی اکرم ﷺ نے اپنے وجود میں کچھ افاقہ اور کچھ ہلکا پن محسوس کیا تو فرمایا: ’’کوئی آدمی دیکھو! جس پر میں ٹیک لگاؤں۔‘‘ تو بریرہ (حضرت عائشہ رضی اللہ عنہا کی خادمہ)اور دوسرا شخص آیا۔ آپ ان دونوں پر ٹیک لگا کر نکلے۔ جب سیدنا ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ عنہ نے آپ کو دیکھا تو واپس پیچھے مڑنے لگے۔ آپ ﷺ نے اشارہ کیا کہ اپنی جگہ پر ہی رہو۔ یہاں تک کہ ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ عنہ نے نماز پوری کر لی۔ پھر نبی اکرم ﷺ وفات پا گئے تو سیدنا عمر رضی اللہ عنہ کہنے لگے کہ ’’جو شخص یہ کہے گا کہ آنحضرت ﷺ کی وفات ہو گئی ہے تو میں اپنی اس تلوار سے اس کی گردن اتار دوں گا۔‘‘ راوی بیان کرتا ہے کہ اکثر لوگ امی تھے اور اس سے پہلے ان میں کوئی نبی مبعوث نہیں ہوا تھا۔ لہٰذا سیّدنا عمر رضی اللہ عنہ کی بات پر سب خاموش ہو گئے پھر بعض لوگوں نے سالم رضی اللہ عنہ کو کہا: جاؤ! اور نبی اکرم ﷺ کے ساتھی (ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ عنہ) کو بلا لاؤ۔ سالم رضی اللہ عنہ کہتے ہیں کہ میں سیّدنا ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ عنہ کے پاس دہشت کے مارے روتا ہوا پہنچا وہ اس وقت مسجد میں تھے۔ جب انہوں نے مجھے آتے ہوئے دیکھا تو پوچھا، کیا نبی اکرم ﷺ کی وفات ہو گئی ہے؟ میں نے کہا کہ سیدنا عمر رضی اللہ عنہ کہتے ہیں کہ میں کسی شخص کو یہ کہتے ہوئے نہیں سننا چاہتا کہ رسول اللہ ﷺ فوت ہو گئے ہیں۔ جو ایسا کہے گا میں اپنی اس تلوار سے اس کی گردن اڑا دوں گا۔ سیدناابوبکر رضی اللہ عنہ مجھ سے فرمانے لگے چلو چلتے ہیں۔ چنانچہ میں ان کے ہمراہ چل پڑا۔ جب آپ تشریف لائے تو لوگ رسول اللہ ﷺ کے مکان پر جمع ہو چکے تھے۔ آپ نے فرمایا: لوگو! مجھے راستہ دو، چنانچہ لوگوں نے آپ کے لیے راستہ خالی کر دیا۔ آپ آئے اور رسول اللہ ﷺ پر جھک گئے، آپ ﷺ کو چھوا (بوسہ دیا) اور یہ آیت پڑھی ﴿إِنَّكَ مَیِّتٌ وَإِنَّهُمْ مَیِّتُوْنَ﴾(سورۃ الزمر:۳۹) بے شک آپ ﷺ بھی فو ت ہونے والے ہیں اور یہ لوگ بھی فوت ہونے والے ہیں۔ لوگوں نے کہا: اے رسول اللہ کے ساتھی! کیا رسول اللہ ﷺ فوت ہو گئے ہیں ؟ سیدنا ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ عنہ نے فرمایا: ہاں۔ لوگوں کو یقین آگیا کہ ابوبکر رضی اللہ عنہ نے سچ فرمایا ہے۔ پھر لوگ کہنے لگے رسول اللہ ﷺ کے ساتھی! کیا ہم آپ ﷺ کا جنازہ بھی پڑھیں گے؟ فرمایا: ہاں۔ تو انہوں نے عرض کیا: کیسے؟ فرمایا: ایک جماعت حجرہ کے اندر جائے، وہ تکبیر کہے، دعا کرے اور آپ پر درود پڑھ کر باہر آجائے، پھر دوسری جماعت داخل ہو، وہ تکبیر کہے، درود پڑھے اور دعا کر کے باہر آجائے۔ اس طرح سب لوگ نماز جنازہ پڑھیں۔ پھر لوگوں نے پوچھا: اے صاحب رسول! کیا رسول اللہ ﷺ کو دفن کیا جائے گا؟ فرمایاہاں۔ پوچھا کس جگہ؟ فرمایا: اسی جگہ جہاں آپ کی روح قبض کی گئی ہے، کیونکہ اللہ تعالیٰ نے آپ کی روح کو پاکیزہ جگہ پر ہی قبض کیا ہے۔ لوگوں کو یقین ہو گیا کہ ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ عنہ نے سچ کہا ہے۔ پھر سیدنا ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ عنہ نے حکم دیا کہ رسول اللہ ﷺ کو آپ ﷺ کے چچا زاد بھائی غسل دیں۔ اس دوران میں مہاجرین جمع ہو کر (امر خلافت کے بارے میں ) مشورہ کر رہے تھے۔ انہوں نے کہا: آؤ! اپنے انصاری بھائیوں کےپاس بھی چلیں تاکہ انہیں بھی اس معاملہ میں اپنے ساتھ شریک کر لیں۔ (جب ان کے پاس گئے) تو انہوں نے کہا: ایک امیر ہم میں سے اور ایک امیر تم میں سے ہوگا۔ اس کے جواب میں سیدنا عمر بن الخطاب رضی اللہ عنہ نے کہا: وہ کون شخص ہے جو ان تین فضائل سے متصف ہو (جن کو اللہ تعالیٰ نے ایک ہی آیت میں بیان کر دیا ہے) (۱) دو میں سے دوسرا جبکہ وہ دونوں غار میں تھے (۲)جب کہ نبی اکرم ﷺ نے اپنے ساتھی سے فرمایا، خوف نہ کھاؤ (۳)بے شک اللہ ہمارے ساتھ ہے۔ یہ دونوں کون تھے؟ راوی بیان کرتا ہے پھر سیدنا عمر رضی اللہ عنہ نے اپنا ہاتھ بڑھا کر سیدنا ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ عنہ کے ہاتھ پر بیعت کی۔ پھر دوسرے لوگوں نے بھی حضرت ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ عنہ کے ہاتھ پر نہایت اچھی اور خوش اسلوبی سے بیعت کی۔‘‘
Sahabi Rasool Salem bin Ubaid (رضي الله تعالى عنه) farmate hain Rasool Allah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) par aap ki bimari mein ghashi tari ho gai jab ifaqah hua to farmaya: ‘Kya namaz ka waqt ho gaya hai?’ Sahaba kiram (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ne arz kiya: Ji haan, farmaya: ‘Bilal ko hukum do ki woh azaan kahen, aur Abubakar ko hukum do ki woh logon ko namaz parhai.’ Phir aap (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) par behoshitari ho gai. Jab hosh mein aaye to farmaya: ‘Kya namaz ka waqt ho gaya hai?’ Arz kiya gaya: Ji haan. Farmaya: ‘Bilal ko hukum do ki woh azaan kahe aur Abubakar ko hukum do ki woh logon ko namaz parhai.’ Aap (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) par phir behoshitari ho gai aur jab ifaqah hua to farmaya: ‘Kya namaz ka waqt ho gaya hai?’ Arz kiya gaya: Ji haan. Farmaya: ‘Bilal ko hukum do ki woh azaan kahe aur Abubakar ko hukum do ki woh logon ko namaz parhai.’ Umme ul momineen Sayyidah Ayesha Siddiqa ( (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ا) arz karti hain Ya Rasool Allah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)! Mere walid raqiq ul qalb hain, jab woh aap ke muqam par khare honge to rone lagenge aur namaz parhane ki taqat nahin rakhhenge. Aap kisi aur ko hukum farma den. Aap (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) par phir behoshitari ho gai, jab ifaqah hua to farmaya: ‘Bilal ko hukum do ki woh azaan kahe aur Abubakar ko hukum do ki woh logon ko namaz parhai. Tum to unn auraton ki tarah ho jo Yusuf Alaihis Salam ke sath thin.’ Chunancha Sayyiduna Bilal (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ko hukum diya gaya to unhon ne azaan kahi aur Sayyiduna Abubakar Siddiq (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ko hukum diya gaya to unhon ne logon ko namaz parhayi, phir Nabi Akram (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ne apne wajood mein kuch ifaqah aur kuch halka pan mehsoos kiya to farmaya: ‘Koi aadmi dekho! Jis par mein tek lagaoon.’ To Barerah (Hazrat Ayesha ( (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ا) ki khadima) aur doosra shakhs aaya. Aap unn donon par tek laga kar nikle. Jab Sayyiduna Abubakar Siddiq (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ne aap ko dekha to wapis peeche mudne lage. Aap (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ne ishara kiya ki apni jagah par hi raho. Yahan tak ki Abubakar Siddiq (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ne namaz poori kar li. Phir Nabi Akram (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) wafaat pa gaye to Sayyiduna Umar (رضي الله تعالى عنه) kehne lage ki ‘Jo shakhs yeh kahega ki Aan Hazrat (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ki wafaat ho gai hai to mein apni iss talwar se uss ki gardan utar doonga.’ Ravi bayan karta hai ki aksar log ummi the aur iss se pehle unn mein koi nabi mab'oos nahin hua tha. Lihaza Sayyiduna Umar (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ki baat par sab khamosh ho gaye phir baaz logon ne Salem (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ko kaha: Jaao! Aur Nabi Akram (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ke sathi (Abubakar Siddiq (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ) ko bula laao. Salem (رضي الله تعالى عنه) kehte hain ki mein Sayyiduna Abubakar Siddiq (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ke paas dehशत ke maare rota hua pahuncha woh uss waqt masjid mein the. Jab unhon ne mujhe aate huye dekha to poocha, kya Nabi Akram (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ki wafaat ho gayi hai? Maine kaha ki Sayyiduna Umar (رضي الله تعالى عنه) kehte hain ki mein kisi shakhs ko yeh kehte huye nahin sunna chahta ki Rasool Allah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) فوت ho gaye hain. Jo aisa kahega mein apni iss talwar se uss ki gardan uda doonga. Sayyiduna Abubakar (رضي الله تعالى عنه) mujh se farmane lage chalo chalte hain. Chunancha mein unn ke hamrah chal para. Jab aap tashreef laaye to log Rasool Allah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ke makan par jama ho chuke the. Aap ne farmaya: Logo! Mujhe rasta do, chunancha logon ne aap ke liye rasta khali kar diya. Aap aaye aur Rasool Allah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) par jhuk gaye, aap (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ko chhua (boosa diya) aur yeh ayat parha (Surah Al-Zumar 39:42) be shak aap (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) bhi fout hone wale hain aur yeh log bhi fout hone wale hain. Logon ne kaha: Aye Rasool Allah ke sathi! Kya Rasool Allah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) fout ho gaye hain? Sayyiduna Abubakar Siddiq (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ne farmaya: Haan. Logon ko yaqeen aa gaya ki Abubakar (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ne sach farmaya hai. Phir log kehne lage Rasool Allah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ke sathi! Kya hum aap (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ka janaza bhi parhenge? Farmaya: Haan. To unhon ne arz kiya: Kaise? Farmaya: Ek jamat hujra ke andar jaye, woh takbeer kahe, dua kare aur aap par durood parh kar bahar aa jaye, phir doosri jamat dakhil ho, woh takbeer kahe, durood parhe aur dua kar ke bahar aa jaye. Iss tarah sab log namaz janaza parhen. Phir logon ne poocha: Aye Sahabi Rasool! Kya Rasool Allah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ko dafan kiya jayega? Farmaya haan. Poocha kis jagah? Farmaya: Ussi jagah jahan aap ki rooh qabz ki gayi hai, kyunki Allah Ta'ala ne aap ki rooh ko paqeza jagah par hi qabz kiya hai. Logon ko yaqeen ho gaya ki Abubakar Siddiq (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ne sach kaha hai. Phir Sayyiduna Abubakar Siddiq (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ne hukum diya ki Rasool Allah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ko aap (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ke chacha zad bhai ghusl den. Iss dauran mein muhajireen jama ho kar (amr khilafat ke bare mein) mashwara kar rahe the. Unhon ne kaha: Aao! Apne Ansaari bhaiyon ke paas bhi chalen taaki unhen bhi iss mamle mein apne sath sharik kar len. (Jab unn ke paas gaye) to unhon ne kaha: Ek ameer hum mein se aur ek ameer tum mein se hoga. Iss ke jawab mein Sayyiduna Umar bin Al-Khattab (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ne kaha: Woh kaun shakhs hai jo inn teen fazayal se muttasif ho (jin ko Allah Ta'ala ne ek hi ayat mein bayan kar diya hai) (1) do mein se doosra jabki woh donon ghaar mein the (2) jab ki Nabi Akram (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ne apne sathi se farmaya, khauf na khao (3) be shak Allah humare sath hai. Yeh donon kaun the? Ravi bayan karta hai phir Sayyiduna Umar (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ne apna hath badha kar Sayyiduna Abubakar Siddiq (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ke hath par ba'ait ki. Phir doosre logon ne bhi Hazrat Abubakar Siddiq (رضي الله تعالى عنه) ke hath par nihayat achhi aur khush usloobi se ba'ait ki."