Book of Marriage
كتاب النكاح

Chapter on what he was obligated to choose concerning women
باب ما وجب عليه من تخيير النساء
Chapter on what he was obligated to do regarding night prayers
باب ما وجب عليه من قيام الليل
Chapter on what is prohibited for him regarding charity
باب ما حرم عليه وتنزه عنه من الصدقة
Chapter on what is prohibited for him regarding treachery through the eyes, except during war
باب ما حرم عليه من خائنة الأعين دون المكيدة في الحرب
Chapter on him not removing armor from his followers until facing the enemy, even if by himself
باب لم يكن له إذا لبس لأمته أن ينزعها حتى يلقى العدو ولو بنفسه
Chapter on him not hearing vice without forbidding it
باب لم يكن له إذا سمع المنكر، ترك النكير
Chapter on him not learning poetry or writing
باب لم يكن له أن يتعلم شعرا ولا يكتب
Chapter on the saying of Allah the Almighty: {If you associate [anything] with Him, your work would surely become worthless}
باب قول الله تعالى: {لئن أشركت ليحبطن عملك}
Chapter on the obligation of fulfilling the debts of those who die among the Muslims
باب كان عليه قضاء دين من مات من المسلمين
Chapter on what Allah the Almighty commanded him to respond to evil with that which is better, saying: {Repel [evil] by that [deed] which is better}
باب ما أمره الله تعالى به من أن يدفع بالتي هي أحسن السيئة، فقال: {ادفع بالتي هي أحسن}
Chapter on what Allah the Almighty commanded him regarding consultation, saying: {And consult them in the matter}
باب ما أمره الله تعالى به من المشورة، فقال: وشاورهم في الأمر
Chapter on what Allah the Almighty commanded him to prefer the Hereafter over the worldly life, not letting his eyes look at the luxuries of this worldly life, saying: {And do not extend your eyes toward that by which We have given enjoyment to [some] cat
باب ما أمره الله تعالى به من اختيار الآخرة على الأولى، ولا يمد عينيه إلى زهرة الحياة الدنيا، فقال تعالى: ولا تمدن عينيك إلى ما متعنا به أزواجا منهم زهرة الحياة الدنيا لنفتنهم فيه ورزق ربك خير وأبقى
Chapter on him, when seeing something he liked, saying: 'Here I am! For indeed, living is the life of the Hereafter.'
باب كان إذا رأى شيئا يعجبه قال: لبيك إن العيش عيش الآخرة
Chapter on the virtue of his knowledge over the knowledge of others
باب فضل علمه على علم غيره
Chapter on what was narrated from him, saying: 'As for me, I do not eat reclining.'
باب ما روي عنه، في قوله: " أما أنا فلا آكل متكئا "
Chapter on what was narrated from him, saying: 'I was commanded to use the toothstick until I feared that it would cause me harm.'
باب ما روي عنه من قوله: " أمرت بالسواك حتى خفت أن يدردني "
Chapter on him not eating garlic, onions, or leeks, and saying: 'If it were not for the angels visiting me, I would eat them.'
باب كان لا يأكل الثوم والبصل والكراث وقال: " لولا أن الملك يأتيني لأكلته "
Chapter on him not speaking from desire, it is only revelation revealed to him.
باب كان لا ينطق عن الهوى إن هو إلا وحي يوحى
Chapter on what Allah the Almighty prohibited him from, saying: 'And do not confer favor to acquire more.'
باب ما نهاه الله عز وجل عنه بقوله: ولا تمنن تستكثر
Chapter on what he was required to combine of witnessing the truth along with social interaction through actions and words.
باب ما كان مطالبا برؤية مشاهدة الحق مع معاشرة الناس بالنفس والكلام
Chapter on him frequently turning to Allah in repentance, seeking forgiveness a hundred times a day.
باب كان يغان على قلبه فيستغفر الله ويتوب إليه في اليوم مائة مرة
Chapter on him turning away from the world upon receiving revelation, obligated to its rulings when dealing with it.
باب كان يؤخذ عن الدنيا، عند تلقي الوحي وهو مطالب بأحكامها عند الأخذ عنها
Chapter on him not praying over someone who had debts, then this was abrogated.
باب كان لا يصلي على من عليه دين، ثم نسخ
Chapter on it not being permissible for him to replace any of his wives, then this was abrogated.
باب كان لا يجوز له أن يبدل من أزواجه أحدا، ثم نسخ
Chapter on what was permitted for him of having more than four wives.
باب ما أبيح له من النساء أكثر من أربع
Chapter on what was permitted for him of marriage to the gifted woman.
باب ما أبيح له من الموهوبة
Chapter on what was permitted for him of marriage without a guardian and without witnesses, based on the allowance for the gifted woman.
باب ما أبيح له من النكاح بغير ولي وبغير شاهدين استدلالا بجواز الموهوبة
Chapter on what was permitted for him to marry without the consent of the woman, and if this was permissible, he could contract a marriage without her consent, and Allah the Almighty made this preferable for the believers over themselves.
باب ما أبيح له بتزويج الله وإذا جاز ذلك جاز أن يعقد على امرأة بغير استئمارها
Chapter on what was permitted for him of marrying a woman without her consent, and if this was permissible, he could marry without the consent of her guardian, and Allah the Almighty made this preferable for the believers over themselves.
باب ما أبيح له من تزويج المرأة من غير استئمارها وإذا جاز ذلك جاز من غير استئمار وليها وجعله الله عز وجل أولى بالمؤمنين من أنفسهم
Chapter on what was permitted for him regarding marriage while in the state of ihram
باب ما أبيح له من النكاح في الإحرام
Chapter on what was narrated that he married Safiyyah and made her manumission her dowry
باب ما روي من أنه تزوج صفية وجعل عتقها صداقها
Chapter on what was permitted for him from the share of Safi
باب ما أبيح له من سهم الصفي
Chapter on what was permitted for him from four-fifths of the fifth and five-fifths of the fifth and spoils
باب ما أبيح له من أربعة أخماس الفيء وخمس خمس الفيء والغنيمة
Chapter on fever having specific rules in one of the opinions
باب الحمى له خاصة في أحد القولين
Chapter on entering the sanctuary without ihram and killing therein
باب دخول الحرم بغير إحرام والقتل فيه
Chapter on the permissibility of killing someone who insulted or slandered him, whether a woman or a man
باب استباحة قتل من سبه أو هجاه امرأة كان أو رجلا
Chapter on what can be inferred that making him an object of slander for Muslims is a mercy, and therein is like evidence that it is permissible for him
باب ما يستدل به على أنه جعل سبه للمسلمين رحمة وفي ذلك كالدليل على أنه له مباح
Chapter on consummation being permissible for him and not for others
باب الوصال له مباح ليس لغيره
Chapter on him sleeping without performing ablution
باب كان ينام ولا يتوضأ
Chapter on voluntary prayer while sitting, similar to his standing prayer, even if there is no impediment
باب صلاة التطوع قاعدا كصلاته قائما وإن لم تكن به علة
Chapter on his descendants being attributed through his daughters
باب إليه ينسب أولاد بناته
Chapter on all lineages being severed on the Day of Resurrection except his lineage
باب الأنساب كلها منقطعة يوم القيامة إلا نسبه
Chapter on what was permitted for him to invite the person praying and responding to them, even if in prayer
باب ما أبيح له من أن يدعو المصلي فيجيبه وإن كان في الصلاة
Chapter on his wealth remaining after his death being used for his expenses and property
باب كان ماله بعد موته قائما على نفقته وملكه
Chapter on his entering the mosque while in a state of major ritual impurity
باب دخوله المسجد جنبا
Chapter on what was permitted for him to rule for himself, and accepting the statement of the one who testified for him, and if permissible, it was permissible to rule for his son and his son's son
باب ما أبيح له من الحكم لنفسه، وقبول قول من شهد له بقوله، وإن جاز ذلك جاز أن يحكم لولده وولد ولده
Chapter on what was permitted for him to judge based on his knowledge and for others based on their self-knowledge, with two opinions
باب ما أبيح له من القضاء بعلمه وفي قضاء غيره بعلم نفسه قولان
Chapter on him refraining from rebuking someone who drank his urine or blood
باب تركه الإنكار على من شرب بوله ودمه
Chapter on dividing his hair among his companions
باب قسم شعره بين أصحابه
Chapter on sudden food
باب طعام الفجأة
Chapter on what was specifically allotted to him of increased difficulty for increased reward, though not mentioned by Abu al-Abbas (may Allah have mercy on him)
باب ما خص به من زيادة الوعك لزيادة الأجر ولم يذكره أبو العباس رحمه الله
Chapter on no prophet dying until choosing between this world and the Hereafter
باب لن يموت نبي حتى يخير بين الدنيا والآخرة
Chapter on what was specifically allotted to him that his wives are the Mothers of the Believers, and that marriage to them after him is prohibited to all mankind
باب ما خص به من أن أزواجه أمهات المؤمنين، وأنه يحرم نكاحهن من بعده على جميع العالمين
Chapter on naming the wives of the Prophet (peace be upon him), his daughters, and marrying his daughters, indicating that his saying 'their mothers' refers to them
باب تسمية أزواج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وبناته وتزويجه بناته وفي ذلك دلالة على أن قوله: {أمهاتهم}
Chapter on the saying of Allah the Almighty: {O wives of the Prophet, you are not like anyone among women. If you fear}
باب قول الله عز وجل: {يا نساء النبي لستن كأحد من النساء إن اتقيتن}
Chapter on what can be inferred that the Prophet (peace be upon him), other than what we mentioned and described from his special characteristics, ruled between his wives in what is permissible and prohibited by incidental events, not conflicting with his
باب ما يستدل به على أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في سوى ما ذكرنا ووصفنا من خصائصه من الحكم بين الأزواج فيما يحل منهن ويحرم بالحادث لا يخالف حلاله حلال
Chapter on evidence that he (peace be upon him) is not to be imitated in what is specific to him, but is to be imitated in what is other than that
باب الدليل على أنه صلى الله عليه وسلم لا يقتدى به فيما خص به ويقتدى به فيما سواه
Chapter on desire for marriage
باب الرغبة في النكاح
Chapter on prohibition of celibacy and castration
باب النهي عن التبتل، والإخصاء
Chapter on recommendation to marry someone of the same religion
باب استحباب التزوج بذات الدين
Chapter on recommendation to marry virgins
باب استحباب التزويج بالأبكار
Chapter on recommendation to marry those who are affectionate and fertile
باب استحباب التزوج بالودود الولود
Chapter on encouragement to marry those of religion and good character
باب الترغيب في التزويج من ذي الدين والخلق المرضي
Chapter on whoever forsakes the worship of Allah, if he does not control his desires, to marriage
باب من تخلى لعبادة الله إذا لم تتق نفسه إلى النكاح
Chapter on a man looking at a woman he intends to marry
باب نظر الرجل إلى المرأة يريد أن يتزوجها
Chapter on specifying looking at the face and hands due to necessity
باب تخصيص الوجه والكفين بجواز النظر إليها عند الحاجة
Chapter on sending a woman to be looked at
باب من بعث بامرأة لتنظر إليها
Chapter on the reason for revealing the verse on hijab
باب سبب نزول آية الحجاب
Chapter on the prohibition of looking at non-mahram women without a valid reason
باب تحريم النظر إلى الأجنبيات من غير سبب مبيح
Chapter on what is mentioned about sudden glances
باب ما جاء في نظر الفجاءة
Chapter on what to do if he sees something admirable in a strange woman
باب ما يفعل إذا رأى من أجنبية ما يعجبه
Chapter on a man not being alone with a strange woman
باب لا يخلو رجل بامرأة أجنبية
Chapter on guarding against the temptation of women
باب ما يتقى من فتنة النساء
Chapter on the equality of women and men in the ruling of hijab and looking at strangers
باب مساواة المرأة الرجل في حكم الحجاب والنظر إلى الأجانب
Chapter on what is mentioned about the rules concerning women
باب ما جاء في القواعد من النساء
Chapter on what a woman reveals of her adornment to those mentioned in the verse among her male mahrams
باب ما تبدي المرأة من زينتها للمذكورين في الآية من محارمها
Chapter on what is mentioned about a Muslim woman revealing her adornment to her female slaves, but not to non-Muslim women
باب ما جاء في إبداء المسلمة زينتها لنسائها دون الكافرات
Chapter on what is mentioned about a woman revealing her adornment to those who are not among the first of her relatives among men
باب ما جاء في إبدائها زينتها لما ملكت يمينها
Chapter on what is mentioned about a woman revealing her adornment to those who are not among the first of her relatives among men
باب ما جاء في إبدائها زينتها لغير أولي الإربة من الرجال
Chapter on what is mentioned about a woman displaying her adornment to young children who have not yet reached the age of discernment regarding women's private parts
باب ما جاء في إبداء زينتها للطفل الذين لم يظهروا على عورات النساء
Chapter on seeking permission from slaves and children regarding the three 'awrahs, and seeking permission from those who have reached puberty in all situations
باب استئذان المملوك والطفل في العورات الثلاث، واستئذان من بلغ الحلم منهم في جميع الحالات
Chapter on the manner of seeking permission
باب كيف الاستئذان
Chapter on a man being alone with his forbidden wife while traveling with her
باب الرجل يخلو بذات محرمه يسافر بها
Chapter on what is mentioned about a man looking at another man's 'awrah and a woman looking at another woman's 'awrah, and each of them leading to their respective companions
باب ما جاء في الرجل ينظر إلى عورة الرجل والمرأة تنظر إلى عورة المرأة ويفضي كل واحد منهما إلى صاحبه
Chapter on what is mentioned about looking at a young boy with desire
باب ما جاء في النظر إلى الغلام الأمرد بالشهوة
Chapter on what is mentioned about shaking hands between men
باب ما جاء في مصافحة الرجل الرجل
Chapter on what is mentioned about embracing between men, if it does not lead to arousing desire
باب ما جاء في معانقة الرجل الرجل، إذا لم تكن مؤدية إلى تحريك شهوة
Chapter on what is mentioned about a man kissing his son
باب ما جاء في قبلة الرجل ولده
Chapter on what is mentioned about kissing on the forehead
باب ما جاء في قبلة الرأس
Chapter on what is mentioned about kissing between the eyes
باب ما جاء في قبلة ما بين العينين
Chapter on what is mentioned about kissing on the cheek
باب ما جاء في قبلة الخد
Chapter on what is mentioned about kissing the hand
باب ما جاء في قبلة اليد
Chapter on what is mentioned about kissing the body
باب ما جاء في قبلة الجسد
Chapter on Allah's saying: {And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and female slaves} [An-Nur: 32], and it is possible that their indication is on their maturity for marriage
باب قول الله تعالى: {وأنكحوا الأيامى منكم والصالحين من عبادكم وإمائكم} [النور: ٣٢] وأنه يحتمل أن يكون دلهم على ما فيه رشدهم بالنكاح
Chapter on the obligation for the guardians of unmarried free women upon reaching adulthood, if they intend marriage, and inviting consent from spouses to marry them
باب حتم لازم لأولياء الأيامى الحرائر البوالغ إذا أردن النكاح ودعون إلى رضى من الأزواج أن يزوجوهن
Chapter on no marriage without a guardian
باب لا نكاح إلا بولي
Chapter on no guardianship by a guardian in marriage as a proof
باب لا ولاية لوصي في نكاح استدلالا بما
Chapter on what is mentioned about the marriage of virgin daughters by their fathers
باب ما جاء في إنكاح الآباء الأبكار
Chapter on what is mentioned about the marriage of widows
باب ما جاء في إنكاح الثيب
Chapter on what is mentioned about the marriage of orphan girls
باب ما جاء في إنكاح اليتيمة
Chapter: The silence of the virgin requires permission, and the speech of the widow requires permission
باب: إذن البكر الصمت وإذن الثيب الكلام
Chapter on marriage not being contingent on permission
باب النكاح لا يقف على الإجازة
Chapter on no marriage except with a competent guardian
باب لا نكاح إلا بولي مرشد
Chapter on no marriage without two just witnesses
باب لا نكاح، إلا بشاهدين عدلين
Chapter on the marriage of a slave without the permission of their owner
باب نكاح العبد بغير إذن مالكه
Chapter on a man marrying his slave woman without a dowry
باب الرجل يزوج عبده أمته بغير مهر
Chapter on marriage and ownership of the right hand not being combined
باب النكاح وملك اليمين لا يجتمعان
Chapter on a man freeing his slave woman and then marrying her
باب الرجل يعتق أمته ثم يتزوج بها
Chapter on no guardianship alongside a father
باب لا ولاية لأحد مع أب
Chapter on the guardianship of a brother
باب ولاية الأخ
Chapter on the guardianship of a paternal cousin, and if he is the guardian, the son of the paternal cousin is more entitled to be the guardian
باب ولاية ابن العم وإذا كان هو وليا فابن الأخ ثم العم أولى أن يكون وليا
Chapter on a son marrying off a woman he is related to through suckling without being her biological son
باب الابن يزوجها إذا كان عصبة لها بغير البنوة
Chapter on considering competence
باب اعتبار الكفاءة
Chapter on stipulating religion in competence
باب اشتراط الدين في الكفاءة
Chapter on considering lineage in competence
باب اعتبار النسب في الكفاءة
Chapter on considering freedom in competence
باب اعتبار الحرية في الكفاءة
Chapter on considering profession in competence
باب اعتبار الصنعة في الكفاءة
Chapter on considering safety in competence
باب اعتبار السلامة في الكفاءة
Chapter on considering left-handedness in competence
باب اعتبار اليسار في الكفاءة
Chapter on not rejecting marriage to someone who is not competent if the wife consents, and whoever has authority with her and is a Muslim
باب لا يرد نكاح غير الكفؤ إذا رضيت به الزوجة، ومن له الأمر معها وكان مسلما
Chapter on not rejecting marriage due to a low dowry if the woman consents, and she is in control of her affairs because the dowry belongs to her rather than the guardians
باب لا يرد النكاح بنقص المهر، إذا رضيت المرأة به، وكانت مالكة لأمرها لأن المهر لها دون الأولياء
Chapter on what is mentioned about the excuse of the guardian and the woman calling for competence
باب ما جاء في عضل الولي والمرأة تدعو إلى كفاءة
Chapter on what is mentioned about the interpretation of the other excuse that Allah, Glorified and Exalted, forbade
باب ما جاء في تفسير العضل الآخر الذي نهى الله سبحانه وتعالى عنه
Chapter on agency in marriage
باب الوكالة في النكاح
Chapter on a non-Muslim not being a guardian for a Muslim woman
باب لا يكون الكافر وليا لمسلمة
Chapter on the guardians marrying
باب إنكاح الوليين
Chapter on what is mentioned about marrying an orphan girl who is under the guardianship of her guardian, who desires her marriage
باب ما جاء في نكاح اليتيمة تكون في حجر وليها، فيرغب في نكاحها
Chapter on a man not marrying himself to a woman he is the guardian of, just as he cannot buy from himself something he is the guardian of its sale
باب لا يزوج نفسه امرأة هو وليها كما لا يشتري من نفسه شيئا هو ولي بيعه
Chapter on a father marrying off his young son
باب الأب يزوج ابنه الصغير
Chapter on the speech that constitutes marriage
باب الكلام الذي ينعقد به النكاح
Chapter on no marriage for someone who is not born
باب لا نكاح لمن لم يولد
Chapter on what is mentioned about marriage proposal
باب ما جاء في خطبة النكاح
Chapter on what is recommended for the guardian regarding proposal and speech
باب ما يستحب للولي من الخطبة والكلام
Chapter on those who do not exceed the contract of marriage
باب من لم يزد على عقد النكاح
Chapter on seeking guidance (istikhara) in proposal and other matters
باب الاستخارة في الخطبة وغيرها
Chapter on what is said when a man marries a woman and consummates the marriage
باب ما يقول إذا نكح امرأة ودخل عليها
Chapter on what is said to the married person
باب ما يقال للمتزوج
Chapter on what women say to the bride
باب ما تقول النسوة للعروس
Chapter on what a man says when he intends to visit his family
باب ما يقول الرجل إذا أراد أن يأتي أهله
Chapter on the number permissible of free women and slave women
باب عدد ما يحل من الحرائر والإماء
Chapter on a man divorcing four women explicitly to him, so it is permissible for him to marry four in their place
باب الرجل يطلق أربع نسوة له طلاقا بائنا حل له أن ينكح مكانهن أربعا
Chapter on a man marrying his mother's slave girl or his father's slave girl, and she does not become lawful by substitute marriage
باب الرجل يتزوج بجارية أمه أو بجارية أبيه وأنها لا تحل بالإحلال
Chapter on what is mentioned about the child being subject to the master
باب ما جاء في تسري العبد
Chapter on the marriage of those who commit zina and what is mentioned in Allah's saying: The fornicator does not marry except a [female] fornicator or polytheist, and the fornicatress - none marries her except a [male] fornicator or a polytheist, and tha
باب نكاح المحدثين وما جاء في قول الله عز وجل: الزاني لا ينكح إلا زانية أو مشركة والزانية لا ينكحها إلا زان أو مشرك وحرم ذلك على المؤمنين
Chapter on what is inferred regarding the shortening of a verse in what was revealed or abrogated
باب ما يستدل به على قصر الآية على ما نزلت فيه أو نسخها
Chapter on no waiting period for a fornicatress, and whoever marries a pregnant woman from adultery does not annul the marriage
باب لا عدة على الزانية ومن تزوج امرأة حبلى من زنا لم يفسخ النكاح
Chapter on the marriage and divorce of a slave
باب نكاح العبد وطلاقه
Chapter on what is prohibited in marriage due to kinship and breastfeeding and others
باب ما يحرم من نكاح القرابة والرضاع وغيرهما
Chapter on what is mentioned in Allah's saying: {And [also prohibited to you are] all married women except those your right hands possess} [An-Nisa: 23]
باب ما جاء في قول الله تعالى: {وأمهات نسائكم وربائبكم اللاتي في حجوركم من نسائكم اللاتي دخلتم بهن} [النساء: ٢٣] الآية
Chapter on what is mentioned in Allah's saying: And lawful to you are [all others] beyond these, [provided] that you seek them [in marriage] with [gifts from] your property
باب ما جاء في قول الله عز وجل: وحلائل أبنائكم الذين من أصلابكم
Chapter on the abrogation of adoption and the permissibility of marrying a woman separated by adoption from her adoptive father or a daughter of someone who is considered a brother in religion
باب نسخ التبني وإباحة نكاح امرأة فارقها من تبناه أو ابنة من كان في الدين أخاه
Chapter on what is mentioned in His saying, Exalted is He: And do not marry those [women] whom your fathers married
باب ما جاء في قوله تعالى: ولا تنكحوا ما نكح آباؤكم من النساء
Chapter on the meaning of conditioned consummation in the prohibition of the step-mother, and if a man touches his slave girl and then his son intends to marry her after possessing her
باب ما جاء في معنى الدخول المشروط في تحريم الربيبة، ومن لمس جاريته، فأراد ابنه أن يقربها بعد ما ملكها
Chapter on what is mentioned in Allah's saying: And [lawful in marriage are] sisters [from] among women
باب ما جاء في قول الله تعالى: وأن تجمعوا بين الأختين
Chapter on what is mentioned in His saying, Exalted is He: Except for what has already occurred
باب ما جاء في قوله تعالى: إلا ما قد سلف
Chapter on the prohibition of marrying a woman and her aunt, and marrying a woman and her daughter in the same sexual act through ownership of the right hand
باب ما جاء في تحريم الجمع بين الأختين، وبين المرأة، وابنتها في الوطء بملك اليمين
Chapter on what is mentioned about marrying a woman, her maternal aunt, and her paternal aunt in the same sexual act
باب ما جاء في الجمع بين المرأة، وعمتها وبينها وبين خالتها
Chapter on who is permissible to marry a man's wife and his daughter
باب من يحل الجمع بين امرأة الرجل وبنته
Chapter on what is mentioned in His saying, Exalted is He: And [also prohibited to you are] all married women except those your right hands possess
باب ما جاء في قوله عز وجل: والمحصنات من النساء إلا ما ملكت أيمانكم
Chapter on zina not making the lawful forbidden
باب الزنا لا يحرم الحلال
Chapter on the prohibition of marrying pagan free women without people of the book, and the prohibition of believing women to disbelievers
باب ما جاء في تحريم حرائر أهل الشرك دون أهل الكتاب، وتحريم المؤمنات على الكفار
Chapter on those who consider the religion of Jews, Christians, Sabians, and Samaritans
باب من دان دين اليهود والنصارى من الصابئين، والسامرة
Chapter on what is mentioned in the marriage of Muslim slave women
باب ما جاء في نكاح إماء المسلمين
Chapter on not marrying a slave woman to a slave woman
باب لا تنكح أمة على أمة
Chapter on not marrying a slave woman to a free woman and marrying a free woman to a slave woman
باب لا تنكح أمة على حرة وتنكح الحرة على الأمة
Chapter on the one who claimed that marrying a free woman to a slave woman is the divorce of the slave woman
باب من زعم أن نكاح الحرة على الأمة طلاق الأمة
Chapter on a slave marrying a free woman over a slave woman
باب العبد ينكح الحرة على الأمة
Chapter on the marriage of a Kitabi (Jewish or Christian) slave woman to a Muslim is not valid conditionally
باب لا يحل نكاح أمة كتابية لمسلم بحال
Chapter on publicizing the engagement
باب التعريض بالخطبة
Chapter on a man not proposing to the sister of his engaged one if the engaged one or her father is satisfied with him until he seeks permission or leaves
باب لا يخطب الرجل على خطبة أخيه إذا رضيت به المخطوبة أو رضي به أبو البكر حتى يأذن أو يترك
Chapter on who allows proposing to the sister of his engaged one if not satisfied with the first
باب من أباح الخطبة على خطبة أخيه إذا لم يوجد من المخطوبة ولا من أبي البكر رضى بالأول
Chapter on how to propose?
باب كيف الخطبة؟
Chapter on someone who embraces Islam and has more than four women
باب من يسلم وعنده أكثر من أربع نسوة
Chapter on pagan spouses, one of whom embraces Islam, and intercourse is forbidden until the other embraces Islam
باب الزوجين الوثنيين يسلم أحدهما فالجماع ممنوع حتى يسلم المتخلف منهما
Chapter on saying: The marriage does not dissolve between them by one embracing Islam, if she had intercourse with him before the divorce was completed and after the waiting period was completed
باب من قال: لا ينفسخ النكاح بينهما بإسلام أحدهما، إذا كانت مدخولا بها حتى تنقضي عدتها قبل إسلام المتخلف منهما
Chapter on a man who embraces Islam and has a Christian under him
باب الرجل يسلم وتحته نصرانية
Chapter on the marriage of polytheists and their divorce
باب نكاح أهل الشرك وطلاقهم
Chapter on approaching menstruating women
باب إتيان الحائض
Chapter on a man having intercourse with his wives in one washing if they have been lawfully lawful or on his slave girls
باب الرجل يطوف على نسائه في غسل واحد إذا حللنه أو على إمائه
Chapter on the person in a state of major impurity (junub) performing ablution whenever he intends to approach (his spouse) or intends to return
باب الجنب يتوضأ، كلما أراد إتيان واحدة أو أراد العود
Chapter on the junub intending to sleep
باب الجنب يريد أن ينام
Chapter on concealment during sexual intercourse
باب الاستتار في حال الوطء
Chapter on what a man dislikes of mentioning his family's faults
باب ما يكره من ذكر الرجل إصابته أهله
Chapter on approaching women from behind
باب إتيان النساء في أدبارهن
Chapter on masturbation
باب الاستمناء
Chapter on jealousy
باب الشغار
Chapter on temporary marriage (mut'ah)
باب نكاح المتعة
Chapter on what is mentioned about the marriage of a menstruating woman
باب ما جاء في نكاح المحلل
Chapter on a marriage contract made unconditionally, so the marriage is valid even if their intention or one of their intentions is annulment
باب من عقد النكاح مطلقا لا بشرط فيه فالنكاح ثابت وإن كانت نيتهما أو نية أحدهما التحليل
Chapter on prohibited marriages
باب نكاح المحرم
Chapter on what can invalidate a marriage due to defects
باب ما يرد به النكاح من العيوب
Chapter on no contagion in the way they were in ignorance, believed to be associating actions with other than Allah
باب لا عدوى على الوجه الذي كانوا في الجاهلية يعتقدونه من إضافة الفعل إلى غير الله تعالى
Chapter on not exposing a sick person to a healthy one as Allah, by His will, may make their contact a cause of the disease
باب لا يورد ممرض على مصح فقد يجعل الله تعالى بمشيئته مخالطته إياه سببا لمرضه
Chapter on one who claims that the deceived should return the dowry and the value of the children to the one who deceived her
باب من قال: يرجع المغرور بالمهر وقيمة الأولاد على الذي غره
Chapter on a slave woman being freed and her husband being a slave
باب الأمة تعتق وزوجها عبد
Chapter on one who claimed that Barira's husband was free on the day she was freed
باب من زعم أن زوج بريرة كان حرا يوم أعتقت
Chapter on what is mentioned about the timing of choice
باب ما جاء في وقت الخيار
Chapter on a freed slave woman being affected by her husband, claiming ignorance
باب المعتقة يصيبها زوجها فادعت الجهالة
Chapter on a freed slave woman choosing separation and not being touched, so there is no dowry for her
باب المعتقة تختار الفراق ولم تمس فلا صداق لها
Chapter on the deferred 'ain
باب أجل العنين
Chapter on disagreement between spouses in the encounter, so the statement is his if he is virile
باب الزوجان يختلفان في الإصابة فيكون القول قوله إن كان ثيبا
Chapter on isolation (‘azl)
باب العزل
Chapter on one who said: He isolates himself from the free woman with her permission and from the slave girl without her permission, and what is narrated about it
باب من قال: يعزل عن الحرة بإذنها وعن الجارية بغير إذنها وما روي فيه
Chapter on one who disliked isolation and the differing narrations about it, and what is narrated about its disapproval
باب من كره العزل ومن اختلفت الرواية عنه فيه وما روي في كراهيته